Help - My Account - My Sites - Joined Sites

Through My Account you have access to view all sites that you currently belong to. From that screen you can either view other members of the site or you can leave the site. The only site you cannot leave is your home site.

2. Click on My Account, in the upper right corner of the header.

This will open the My Account page.

Click on My Account, in the upper right corner of the header.

3. Once the My Account page loads, click on My Sites Tab

This will switch to view the information in the My Sites tab.

Once the My Account page loads, click on My Sites Tab

4. Scroll down on the page there will be a section for Joined Sites. To see other members of the site, click on USERS

Scroll down on the page there will be a section for Joined Sites. To see other members of the site, click on USERS

5. A popup window will appear where you can view members and see the role for that person. Once you have viewed the list, click on Close

A popup window will appear where you can view members and see the role for that person.  Once you have viewed the list, click on Close

6. If you want to leave a site, click on LEAVE

If you want to leave a site, click on LEAVE

7. A confirmation window will appear, click on OK, you will be removed from the site.

NOTE: In order to regain access to the site, a Manager or Owner will have to invite you to join.

A confirmation window will appear, click on OK, you will be removed from the site.

8. Once you have finished working in My Account, click on SAVE & CLOSE

Once you have finished working in My Account, click on SAVE & CLOSE

Return to the My Account Menu

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