Connections Manager - Delete a Connection
The connection delete process involves removing a specific connection from a site. This is typically done when the data is no longer needed or when it is determined that the data is incorrect or outdated. To delete a connection, the first step is to locate the connection. The specified connection will be permanently removed from the site. It is important to note that deleting a connection can have implications for other parts of the site, such as links to Equipment Vault and Workpacks. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider the implications of deleting connections and to ensure that any related systems or processes are also updated as needed.
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1. From the Home Page
You can also use the left side menu to access the Connections Module from anywhere within the app.
This will load the Connections List Page.
3. Select the connection from the list that you want to delete.
This will open the connection.
4. Once the details page loads, click on DELETE
5. A popup confirmation will be displayed, click OK
Once you have confirmed the connection is to be deleted, it will no longer be available.
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