Equipment Vault - Linked Connections

A link can be created between the equipment and the Connection Manager that are being utilized.

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1. Open a Equipment Vault record, Click on Linked Connections Tab

This will open the details about Linked Connections within a Equipment Vault record.

Open a Equipment Vault record, Click on Linked Connections Tab

2. Once the details load, click on LINK TO CONNECTION

This will open a dialog window where you can select any of the active connections for the site.

Once the details load, click on LINK TO CONNECTION

3. Select the connections you want to link to this Equipment Vault record, Click on checkboxes

Select the connections you want to link to this Equipment Vault record, Click on checkboxes

4. Once you have made your selections, click on LINK

Once you have made your selections, click on LINK

5. The dialog box will disappear and the list of linked connections will be viewable.

The dialog box will disappear and the list of linked connections will be viewable.

6. If you need to remove a link between the Connections Manager and the Equipment Vault record, Click on the trashcan icon.

If you need to remove a link between the Connections Manager and the Equipment Vault record, Click on the trashcan icon.

7. A confirmation dialog box will appear, Click on OK

A confirmation dialog box will appear, Click on OK

8. Once you are satisfied with the edits, click on SAVE & CLOSE

Once you are satisfied with the edits, click on SAVE & CLOSE